
The band, not the state

Friday, October 31, 2014

The Binary Game

Check out the binary game here!

1. I got to level 4.
2. The hardest part of the game is when you get to the big numbers that they assign and you have to figure out which buttons to press.
3. Binary numbers are more difficult than a regular base-10 numeral system, so I don't like it as much as regular counting.
4. With 5 fingers, you could count to 31 in binary.
5. Every time you use a computer, you are using binary.  When I type this post, the computer converts the input from the keyboard, which is in binary, to the letters on the screen.  I then post this and the blog stores the binary code of the letters.  When you open the page, your computer converts that binary code into the words you are reading right now.

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